Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Well Glacier National Park was pretty incredible.... and as Rachelle  
  posted earlier, our pictures can't really do it justice... but hopefully 
some of these give you an idea.

                                        Real Mt. Goats!!! spotted them almost a mile above us!
                                A very large black bear (we think) we saw a grizzly but couldn't
                                                                    get a good picture.

                                                                      Gorgeous trails

                                                                            Mule deer doe


                                                 The Trail to Hidden Lake (west Glacier)

A muskrat Anna found


  1. Great pictures! HAPPY 18 th BIRTHDAY, DANIEL on the 16th.
    G&G M.

  2. Man, I love Glacier!!!

    Keep the pics coming!

  3. I just found your blog...But we have been thinking of you all, and praying... and missing your family! Your pics are beautiful! Brings back lots of memories from when our family did this trip 10 years ago! Grace was 3, almost 4!!! Again... praying for you! :)
